“At Tialko, every word Nadia says makes people stare. [get issue]

Reviewed in Locus 769 by A.C. Wise

“I married a creature of stone, though they are the curse of our land. [read online]

Her skin peeled away. She didn’t believe it at first. She thought it was something else, maybe a layer of dead cells so thick it curled onto itself, but soon she could no longer ignore it, what emerged from underneath.[read online]

Reviewed in Locus 763 by Charles Payseur

Maria Haskins' 2024 Recommended Reading List

“The return to my grandmother’s house might be ill-advised. My husband certainly thinks so. I left him behind in London and took the train through the misty hills, the silent towns.[read online]

There has always been a sparrow inside me. At first it was just an egg, something I felt in my belly before I even had the words for it.[read online]

Reviewed in Locus 760 by A.C. Wise and Paula Guran 

Maria Haskins' 2024 Recommended Reading List

“This autumn, when you bury your spoon in the bowl, black beetles swim to the surface. [read or listen online]

Reviewed in Locus 761 by A.C. Wise

Nerds of a Feather Awards Recommended Reading

Little by little, I bloomed: a single clocktower (there is a tower at the heart of every living city), no bigger than a blade of grass, with little dirt roads radiating from it; then tiny red-roofed houses and a neoclassical theatre and kiosks on every corner and markets and packs of stray dogs.” [read or listen online]

Reviewed in Locus 753 by Charles Payseur 

Maria Haskins' 2023 Recommended Reading List

Amar never touched the pomegranates. If I ever bought one, I’d take it home like a dark secret and eat it when he wasn’t there.” [read online]


The Traveling Mountain, khōréō, 2025